Sunday, November 27, 2011

Annoying Him...

Yesterday, my husband and I got together with his parents and his sister's family.
His sister's husband was going to make his special lasagna and he wanted to demonstrate us how to cook it.
I watched as his wife kept interfering the whole time, and I also watched as he was starting to get annoyed. She kept correcting him and he kept doing what he was doing.
I was puzzled by this, because when I interfere my husband with something he is doing he dislikes it, so I try not to do it.
Yet this woman kept doing it, until her mother told her to leave him alone.
Then she said, "He doesn't care, he doesn't mind when I do it, he still loves me" then she looked at him to affirm it. He said "sure", then seeing that she got hurt, his face softened and said, "of course I do, my sweet little love". It was then that I understood that that was her way of annoying him.

Do you annoy your husband sometimes?

Annoying my husband makes me feel full of giddy happiness. I know that he absolutely loves me no matter how silly I am. I can be who I really am when I'm with him.

I can kiss or tickle him to death even if it bothers him, I can call him silly little nicknames that he hates, and I can spend the whole night explaining a book I just read without caring if I'm annoying him.

Do you feel the same way with your husband?? If you do, then you might as well agree with this quote:

I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. - Rita Rudner


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